// pragmatic engineering

The simplest possible Debian packaging


Basic skeleton for the Debian-package can be build with the help of debmake. As a result the debian directory with the minimal set of required files will be created:

$ DEBEMAIL=test@example.com DEBFULLNAME=Test debmake --native --package test --upstreamversion 1.0.0 --revision 1
$ find debian -type f -not -name control -not -name copyright -not -name changelog -not -name rules -not -name compat -not -name format -delete

To build binary package (-b) without signing the .changes file (-uc):

$ dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b

Created deb-package will be in one directory up.


Managing the Debian packages repository can be done with the reprepro. Assuming repository will be located under the directory /srv/packages, create simple text file in it: /srv/packages/conf/distributions. With the content:

Codename: stretch
Architectures: amd64
Components: main

After this, a binary package can be added into the repository with the next command:

# reprepro --basedir /srv/packages includedeb stretch /path/to/package_1.0.0_all.deb

To be able to use this repository locally, create file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/local.list with the next content:

deb [trusted=yes] file:///srv/packages stretch main

More information about APT data sources, including recognized URI types can be found in sources.list(5).

Useful links