// pragmatic engineering

Hello ESPHome World

After discovering Home Assistant, the ESPHome became a logical continuation. First run with a blinking LED on WEMOS D1 mini.

While ESPHome supports over-the-air updates, the very first firmware flashing must be done via a serial port. ESPHome-Flasher can do it, has a very straightforward interface and pre-built binaries. A driver for the CH340 USB-to-serial converter will be also needed. ESPHome itself can be installed via PyPI.

With all tools installed a basic starting point can look like this:

To compile it run:

$ esphome compile hello-esphome.yaml

After successful compilation the firmware can be found under .pioenvs/hello/firmware.bin. This file can be uploaded via ESPHome-Flasher and if everything went fine the LED will start blinking!

Following updates can be uploaded already via WiFi. To compile, upload and attach to the logger run:

$ esphome run hello-esphome.yaml